Thursday, February 11, 2010

From Hans, walking the Via Francigena

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From: Hans-Otto Schreyer <>
Date: Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 11:55 PM
Subject: Re: walking the Via Francigena
To: Gary Regester <>

Hi Gary,

how are you? I hope very well!

Now I decided to walk along the Cammino (Via)di Francesco, from Gubbio to Rome. I start at  September 30th. with the City-Nightline via Florenz to Gubbio, last week I buyed the Ticket. I think I will arrive Rome 20 days later. For the Okt. 21th. I got a ticket for an Audienz by the (German) Papst Benedikt 16th.! It will be very exiting.

Over the Internetsite "Eurovia" I buyed the maps for the "Via Francigena". The I followed the way along the map and I could see, that the most of the way will be to walk at had way/asphalt!!! This is the reason, why I like to walk the St. Francis-Way. This Pilgrim-Way goes the most along soft ways and paths near the Appenin. But, the daily Kilometers are shorter, but the difference in the Height goes up to 1000 meters! I think its like a walk in the Alps. You can watch it at the www.camminodifrancesco - see the Links, per example "Tappa". 

Tomorrow, we will start for a 3 week journey to Italy and are back till the Sept. 26th. So I can visit some villages along the St. Francis-Way - to got some impressions, especially for my wife.

You where in holidays with your family? Tell me where you stayed and I will search in a map or over google earth.

Tell Susan all my best wishes, and I would be glad, If I could here from her.

So long and all the best for you



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