Saturday, October 16, 2010

To Finisterre, day two

Hans- Today from negreira to olveiroa, 33 km. Nice paths and hard roads. All quiet, only the noise of the wind. Stay in a nice pens: as pias. Tomorrow to muxia. Hans

GR- 33km today? Superman! Muxia seems north? Now are you preferring refugios or hotels?

Hans- The alberques are full and i prefer my own bath and like a quiet sleep! From muxia i will walk to finisterre and go back by bus to santiago tomorrow 25, next 30 to finist. My feet feel the pain!

GR- And then, no doubt, by foot to Rome!!?

Hans- In rome i was last year, you know!

GR- Yes, but now that you have happy feet. There is no stopping you! Gubbio to Rome is impressivo But finisterra to Rome, nay, to Jerusalem That must be next

Hans- Now i am tired. We had a dinner gallego, 4 italiani 3 canadians 2 brasilieros and 1 from france. We drunk a lot bottles of vino blanco and tinto. Now i will sleep

GR- Good sleep

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